December 31, 2008

New Years Eve

Happy New Year!
Here are a few pics of our celebration

We went to Robert and Carolyn's and just hung
out and had lots of fun!
Thank you for having us up! It is so nice to ring
in the new year with good friends.

Hope you all had a safe and happy holiday.
Cheers to the New Year!

December 30, 2008

Not so good

Brooke used her money from Grandpa Bob and Grandma Lois

to buy a Cupcake maker.
The girls thought it was pretty cool
After you mix everything up, you cook it
in the mircowave for 30 and you have a
cupcake. While the kids thought they
were wonderful I have to say they
were the worst cupcakes I have ever tasted!
So next time we will have to try a box
cake mix and see if it works!

No matter how bad the cupcakes were the kids
had a great time and that is all that matters!

December 26, 2008

Baby, It's cold outside

We woke up to snow this morning.
Since we moved here we have had snow
in our yard at least once a year.
So here are a few pics of our snow.

Tucson snowman complete with rock eyes and nose

snow much fun LOL

December 25, 2008

Christmas Day

Merry Christmas
Here are a few pictures of our day.
Little Miss Cinderella complete with her
wand and the cutest glass slippers I have ever seen.

Russell, Love that look of surprise.

Hot Sauce! Russell seems to put it on everything these days.

Kimberly picked this hat and shirt

out for daddy. I thought it was pretty funny.

My new bathrobe :)

We got a few new Wii games.

They are pretty fun and we can all play them together.

cute Idogs

Hope your day was magical.
