March 5, 2008

Happy 16th Birthday!!!!

Russell asked me to make Eggs Benedict for his birthday breakfast.
So we all got up at 6 AM to have breakfast with the birthday boy :)

Russell's fun cake
Super Smash Bros from Grandma Connie
So Russell didn't tell us what he wanted so we wrapped his
shirt in the computer monitor box, he seems a little disappointed.
But when he went in the computer room he was pretty
happy to find his new monitor all hooked up.


buttafly said...

Happy Birthday Russell!!

buttafly said...

Happy Birthday Russell!!

James +Tami + Max said...

Thanks for the information. Its always a treat to see whats going on down there. Especially since I haven't met any of you, and your taking care of our FAVORITE 16 year old nephew. I bet he loved his gifts!

Leisha said...

Happy Birthday, Russell! 16 years old. Crazy. It looks like you had a great birthday. I love that you wrapped his shirt in the monitor box. I could just picture his face. Now comes the driving. Eeek! :-)