September 2, 2008

What a Crazy day

After living here for 3 1/2 years and only seeing one DEAD scorpion in the garage
we had our first ALIVE one INSIDE the house.
Inside MY house!

I don't care that they live outside (and yes I know I moved to the desert)

But THEY are NOT welcome in MY house.

The thing that freaks me out is the fact that they are a light tan color and they blend into the
tile, carpet and my walls. Another thing that is just freaky is if you have a black light (thanks Carolyn!) and you shine it on them they will glow...........EWWWWWW
So around 9 PM Russell comes running out of his room with the scorpion in a baggie!
Needless to say I freaked out! Russ was out of town and I felt like they were everywhere!
I vacuumed the house and picked up. Then Carolyn brought me the black light and and walked around with the lights low checking all of the rooms and under the beds!!!
At 11:30PM I still couldn't sleep so I checked my bed AGAIN,
Left the lights and TV on and tried to fall asleep!
Around 12:30 Brooke came in crying! She had a ear ache!
So we were up most of the night trying to help her feel better.
So after very little sleep we got up and went to the Doctor's. They tried to fit us in and we were there for hours!! In the end Brooke has Swimmers Ear. They gave us some meds and ear drops. So hopefully she will be feeling better soon!
We spent another hour at the pharmacy getting the prescriptions filled.
Then home with my tired and hungry kids.
I even ran out to Vote after Russell got home from school.
And waited up late for Russ to get home from the airport.
So there you have it................ my crazy night and day.


1 comment:

Leisha said...

I have been the worst blog reader ever! :-) I'm catching up now.

This makes me cringe just reading about the scorpion. I wouldn't sleep at all either. Eeek.

So sorry you had such a long, exhausting day. Hopefully you got a nap in.