With Russell's 16th birthday just around the corner
I was just thinking about how much he has grown .
He was just 2 1/2 when I first met him.
And look at how he has grown.
So What is Russell doing these days?
He is a Sophomore this year
Getting ready to drive (watch out!!)
Tae Kwan Do
Loves to play video games and computers
Learning to play the guitar
Today we went to the orthodontist for spacers and he will be getting his braces on in 2 weeks.
We are very proud of you and all you are doing!
Can't wait to see what the next few years hold for you!
We are all a little scared of the number 16 but it will be so exciting to... Good luck with the braces! They are such a treat to have:)
Good job on the homework, Russell! :-) And driving. Aaaahhhhh! Everyone get out of the way! Should be a fun upcoming year.
Russell is such a good kid. I have never seen a 15-year-old so patient with all the picture taking! Good luck with teenage driver. I think you will worry more than you need to, but there's no avoiding that!
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