Halloween was a very busy day for us.
Brooke had Girl Scouts after school so Kimberly
went to Gail and Al's for nap time (play time)
After Girl Scouts we all went to Gail's
for dinner (YUM) and they helped me get the kids
ready to go Trick or Treating.
Russ got home just in time to out!
We met up with Yvonne, Manny and Paul
for a fun night.

Thank you Gail for all of your help.

Kimberly, Al and Brooke



We are so lucky to have a wonderful
neighborhood with wonderful Neighbors!
Here is Brooke and Aida




Al and Gail

Back home to see Brother :)

After Trick or Treating we went to a
carnival that was sponsored by
Pathway of Hope Church.
We got to play lots of games, eat
and visit with some friends.


Brooke the Kitty

Dad :)

Just what we need MORE CANDY!

Yvonne and Paul

After the carnival our last stop was at the Hanson's.
Thanks for the fun night! They had lots of food, Drinks
and it is always nice to catch up with our friends.
Happy Halloween.
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